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Breeder Wendy works alongside reproduction vets, reward based dog trainers​ and gentle groomers​ to support all stages of our puppies development in their new homes.

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We are situated in the peaceful North-East suburbs of Adelaide, where we raise our puppies as cherished members of our family in our home.

Our mothers are provided with a special indoor whelping area that offers a serene and regulated environment for the mother and her puppies during the birthing process and the critical initial weeks of life.

As the puppies grow and learn to walk, they move to a dedicated indoor play area where they can explore various play equipment and start their early training. This area allows them to experience the sounds of daily household activities. In good weather, the puppies also get the chance to enjoy our secure backyard with a beautiful cottage garden.

We believe in early positive training for our puppies, which includes early socialization, Early Neurological stimulation (ENS), Early scent Introduction (ESI), and toilet training. Our socialisation program incorporates fundamentals from Puppy Culture, Badass Breeder, and is backed by science. By the age of 8 weeks, most puppies are confidently doing their business on the grass and can sleep through the night with their litter mates.

When prospective owners come to meet their puppies, we encourage them to bring along a crate and an item of clothing that carries their scent. This helps the puppy become familiar with their new owner's scent and feel safe and secure when they travel home.


Meet the people dedicated to ethical puppy rearing
Wendy and Willow



I’m Wendy, an Environmental Scientist, professional dog handler, and responsible dog breeder living in Adelaide with my three dogs- Willow the cavoodle, her daughter Myrtle and Kuuma the rescue cattledog mix.

Following over a decade of aiding in Wildlife Rescue, I moved into the pet industry as a dog groomer,  public advisor and animal caretaker, with experience presenting workshops and assisting in puppy pre-school. I later worked for the RSPCA, where I passionately advocated for animal care and helped pair people up with their perfect forever pet.

I have built a large network of good friends and colleagues in the animal industry who have helped shape my journey into responsible dog breeding.  I have raised countless animal offspring, from all manners of native wildlife through to kittens and adorable cavoodle puppies.

I find immense joy in watching them grow up into healthy happy individuals. I especially love all of the updates I receive from their loving families! 

Nic with puppies


Puppy cuddler

Nic is an experienced caretaker and professional pooch pamperer. When he isn't cuddling up with Willow and the puppies, he works as a dog walker.  

Together with Wendy, Nic assists in the puppies care so that the puppies are never left alone during their crucial developmental periods. 

He assists in the day-to-day tasks of raising happy healthy puppies. This includes aiding in their early socialisation, daily weigh-ins, social media updates and keeping the puppies clean and warm with big round bellies full of food. 

Trainer Leah


Paws Adventure Daycare

Leah started her career in the animal industry in 2010. Starting out as an Animal Care Taker at one of the largest veterinary clinics in Adelaide for three years, her passions only grew stronger for working with and helping animals.

In 2013 her journey moved to Veterinary nursing, studying at TAFE for her qualification and moved to a new clinic working as a Vet nurse for the next four years, where she furthered her skills with animals and started teaching Puppy Pre-School classes within the clinic.

Slowly Leah became more and more interested in animal behaviour and decided to study the Karen Pryor Foundations course to learn more.
The passion for animal behaviour grew and she wanted to start offering a new service, a mixture of daycare, walking and training. This brought Paws Adventure Daycare to life in 2017.

Leah has aided us in fine-tuning our early socialisation and training programme for Pitter Patter Cavoodles.

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Alicia & Emily

Pup Boutique

Pup Boutique is owned by Alicia, an experienced dog groomer and seamstress. 
Together with the help of Emily, they opened up Pup Boutique- A puppy fashion store & grooming salon with everything you need to keep your pooch feeling and looking pampered!

Alicia's grooming is highly rated amongst Adelaide cavoodle owners, as she has perfected the adorably cute 'Teddy Bear' look, with gentle & patient grooming methods.

Puppies first groom is an important one, as this first introduction lays the foundation for a lifelong relationship with grooming.
All Pitter Patter puppies are encouraged to book through Pup Boutique to build a positive association with grooming into the future.

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Beyond breeding

When you bring a Pitter Patter Cavoodle puppy into your life, you can be rest assured that your puppy will have had the best start possible, and you will have access to ongoing support to help your pup grow to its full potential as a beloved member of the family.

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