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Training & Services

We provide comprehensive training services tailored for your fury companion!
Puppies that have come from us experience the advantage of early training and grooming experiences, accompanied by the added benefit of discounted services.

* Addition fee may be applied if traveling further than 10km from the Modbury area and surrounding suburbs.

Socialisation Services

Puppy Socialization 8-16 Weeks
During this crucial developmental period, puppies benefit from socialization before they are fully vaccinated. Our service provides a safe environment for puppies to start their socialisation journey, preventing the development of avoidable fears and behaviors, ensuring healthy and happy socialization.


Middle School 16 weeks to 1 year
Dogs in this age group benefit greatly from continued socialization. As they become more independent and test boundaries in adolescence, our service reinforces early learning experiences.


Adult Learning 1 year and older
For dogs that missed out on early socialization, especially those adopted during COVID, our service offers an opportunity to catch up. We also welcome social dogs of all ages who enjoy spending time outside and benefit from ongoing socialization and learning.


$55 per dog - Multiple attendees
$70 - Individual Socialization


Walk & Trains - $65

Enjoy the convenience of our Walk & Trains service, where your furry mate can get some exercise while learning valuable obedience skills. Our experienced trainers will take your dog for a stimulating walk, incorporating training techniques to enhance their behavior and socialization. It's the perfect way to keep your pup active and well-behaved.

$65 - One dog
$95 - Two dogs


Private consults - $85

Book a Private Consult with our skilled dog trainers for personalized guidance tailored to your pup's specific needs. We'll work closely with you and your dog to address behavior concerns, provide training tips, and create a customized training plan. Our one-on-one sessions ensure a focused approach to help your dog reach their full potential.

$85 - 1hr Session and training plan


Pet Sitting

When you need to be away, we are here to provide loving care for your fur baby. Relax knowing that your pet is in capable hands, receiving personalized attention and care in our family home while you're away. We also offer the add-on options of training or grooming while in our care.

$80 - Per day
$120 - Per day plus walk & train


Grooming: Quick Trims and Emergancy Grooms

Introducing our Quick Trims and Emergency Grooms– because sometimes our furry friends need a little extra TLC, pronto! Whether your pup can't squeeze into their usual grooming slot, is a bit on the matted side, or rocking fringes that have gotten a tad too long, we're here for those urgent fixes. 

From $20- Quick Trim (as an add-on to other services)
From $40 -  Quick Trim
From $100 - Emergency Groom
* The Quick Trims and Emergency Grooms prioritize comfort over aesthetic. These services do not provide salon quality finishes and are not a replacement for regular professional grooming or maintenance.

Get in Touch
0449 757 399 (please text first)

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